import * as http from 'http' import * as httpm from '../_out'; import * as pm from '../_out/proxy'; import * as proxy from 'proxy' import * as url from 'url'; let _proxyConnects: string[] let _proxyServer: http.Server let _proxyUrl = '' describe('proxy', () => { beforeAll(async () => { // Start proxy server _proxyServer = proxy() await new Promise((resolve) => { const port = Number(_proxyUrl.split(':')[2]) _proxyServer.listen(port, () => resolve()) }) _proxyServer.on('connect', (req) => { _proxyConnects.push(req.url) }); }) beforeEach(() => { _proxyConnects = [] _clearVars() }) afterEach(() => { }) afterAll(async() => { _clearVars() // Stop proxy server await new Promise((resolve) => { _proxyServer.once('close', () => resolve()) _proxyServer.close() }) }) it('getProxyUrl does not return proxyUrl if variables not set', () => { let proxyUrl = pm.getProxyUrl(url.parse('')); expect(proxyUrl).toBeUndefined(); }) it('getProxyUrl returns proxyUrl if https_proxy set for https url', () => { process.env["https_proxy"] = "https://myproxysvr"; let proxyUrl = pm.getProxyUrl(url.parse('')); expect(proxyUrl).toBeDefined(); }) it('getProxyUrl does not return proxyUrl if http_proxy set for https url', () => { process.env["http_proxy"] = "https://myproxysvr"; let proxyUrl = pm.getProxyUrl(url.parse('')); expect(proxyUrl).toBeUndefined(); }) it('getProxyUrl returns proxyUrl if http_proxy set for http url', () => { process.env["http_proxy"] = "http://myproxysvr"; let proxyUrl = pm.getProxyUrl(url.parse('')); expect(proxyUrl).toBeDefined(); }) it('getProxyUrl does not return proxyUrl if https_proxy set and in no_proxy list', () => { process.env["https_proxy"] = "https://myproxysvr"; process.env["no_proxy"] = "otherserver,myserver,anotherserver:8080" let proxyUrl = pm.getProxyUrl(url.parse('https://myserver')); expect(proxyUrl).toBeUndefined(); }) it('getProxyUrl returns proxyUrl if https_proxy set and not in no_proxy list', () => { process.env["https_proxy"] = "https://myproxysvr"; process.env["no_proxy"] = "otherserver,myserver,anotherserver:8080" let proxyUrl = pm.getProxyUrl(url.parse('')); expect(proxyUrl).toBeDefined(); }) it('getProxyUrl does not return proxyUrl if http_proxy set and in no_proxy list', () => { process.env["http_proxy"] = "http://myproxysvr"; process.env["no_proxy"] = "otherserver,myserver,anotherserver:8080" let proxyUrl = pm.getProxyUrl(url.parse('http://myserver')); expect(proxyUrl).toBeUndefined(); }) it('getProxyUrl returns proxyUrl if http_proxy set and not in no_proxy list', () => { process.env["http_proxy"] = "http://myproxysvr"; process.env["no_proxy"] = "otherserver,myserver,anotherserver:8080" let proxyUrl = pm.getProxyUrl(url.parse('')); expect(proxyUrl).toBeDefined(); }) it('checkBypass returns true if host as no_proxy list', () => { process.env["no_proxy"] = "myserver" let bypass = pm.checkBypass(url.parse('https://myserver')); expect(bypass).toBeTruthy(); }) it('checkBypass returns true if host in no_proxy list', () => { process.env["no_proxy"] = "otherserver,myserver,anotherserver:8080" let bypass = pm.checkBypass(url.parse('https://myserver')); expect(bypass).toBeTruthy(); }) it('checkBypass returns true if host in no_proxy list with spaces', () => { process.env["no_proxy"] = "otherserver, myserver ,anotherserver:8080" let bypass = pm.checkBypass(url.parse('https://myserver')); expect(bypass).toBeTruthy(); }) it('checkBypass returns true if host in no_proxy list with port', () => { process.env["no_proxy"] = "otherserver, myserver:8080 ,anotherserver" let bypass = pm.checkBypass(url.parse('https://myserver:8080')); expect(bypass).toBeTruthy(); }) it('checkBypass returns true if host with port in no_proxy list without port', () => { process.env["no_proxy"] = "otherserver, myserver ,anotherserver" let bypass = pm.checkBypass(url.parse('https://myserver:8080')); expect(bypass).toBeTruthy(); }) it('checkBypass returns true if host in no_proxy list with default https port', () => { process.env["no_proxy"] = "otherserver, myserver:443 ,anotherserver" let bypass = pm.checkBypass(url.parse('https://myserver')); expect(bypass).toBeTruthy(); }) it('checkBypass returns true if host in no_proxy list with default http port', () => { process.env["no_proxy"] = "otherserver, myserver:80 ,anotherserver" let bypass = pm.checkBypass(url.parse('http://myserver')); expect(bypass).toBeTruthy(); }) it('checkBypass returns false if host not in no_proxy list', () => { process.env["no_proxy"] = "otherserver, myserver ,anotherserver:8080" let bypass = pm.checkBypass(url.parse('')); expect(bypass).toBeFalsy(); }) it('checkBypass returns false if empty no_proxy', () => { process.env["no_proxy"] = "" let bypass = pm.checkBypass(url.parse('')); expect(bypass).toBeFalsy(); }) it('HttpClient does basic http get request through proxy', async () => { process.env['http_proxy'] = _proxyUrl const httpClient = new httpm.HttpClient(); let res: httpm.HttpClientResponse = await httpClient.get(''); expect(res.message.statusCode).toBe(200); let body: string = await res.readBody(); let obj: any = JSON.parse(body); expect(obj.url).toBe(""); expect(_proxyConnects).toEqual(['']) }) it('HttoClient does basic http get request when bypass proxy', async () => { process.env['http_proxy'] = _proxyUrl process.env['no_proxy'] = '' const httpClient = new httpm.HttpClient(); let res: httpm.HttpClientResponse = await httpClient.get(''); expect(res.message.statusCode).toBe(200); let body: string = await res.readBody(); let obj: any = JSON.parse(body); expect(obj.url).toBe(""); expect(_proxyConnects).toHaveLength(0) }) it('HttpClient does basic https get request through proxy', async () => { process.env['https_proxy'] = _proxyUrl const httpClient = new httpm.HttpClient(); let res: httpm.HttpClientResponse = await httpClient.get(''); expect(res.message.statusCode).toBe(200); let body: string = await res.readBody(); let obj: any = JSON.parse(body); expect(obj.url).toBe(""); expect(_proxyConnects).toEqual(['']) }) it('HttpClient does basic https get request when bypass proxy', async () => { process.env['https_proxy'] = _proxyUrl process.env['no_proxy'] = '' const httpClient = new httpm.HttpClient(); let res: httpm.HttpClientResponse = await httpClient.get(''); expect(res.message.statusCode).toBe(200); let body: string = await res.readBody(); let obj: any = JSON.parse(body); expect(obj.url).toBe(""); expect(_proxyConnects).toHaveLength(0) }) }) function _clearVars() { delete process.env.http_proxy; delete process.env.HTTP_PROXY; delete process.env.https_proxy; delete process.env.HTTPS_PROXY; delete process.env.no_proxy; delete process.env.NO_PROXY; }